Mefisto L05

Application: production of building materials
Raw material: claystone

Chemical and physical properties:

  Typical value in % Guaranteed value
Al2O3 content 41,10 min. 38,0
Si02 content 54,10 max. 57,0
K2O content 0,80 max. 0,9
Fe2O3 content 1,10 max. 1,80
TiO2 content 1,80 max. 2,00
MgO content 0,18 max. 0,4
CaO content 0,13 max. 0,2
LOI(loss of ignition) % 2,20 0,3 - 4,0
Moisture % 0,50 -
Specific surface m2/g 12,69 -
Pozzolan activity oC 4,30 min. 4,0
Whiteness % 60,00 -

Typical size distribution curve: