The recent changes in the management structure of České lupkové závody, a.s.

Please accept our warm and friendly greetings as we step into the second half of year 2022. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the recent changes in the management structure of České lupkové závody, a.s. At the end of June 2022 two of our long-term managers – Mr. ing. Pavel Košulič, the Managing Director and Mr. ing. Zdeněk Čermák, the Financial Director, have decided to retire. The company truly appreciates their hard work and dedication during their service and we would like to wish them all the best in the coming years.

Dear business partners, dear customers,

As of July 1st 2022, Mr. ing. Jan Domiter is the new Executive Director of the company. He has been with České lupkové závody, a.s. for over 3 years and is fully acquainted with the operations and production process.

Mrs. ing. Renata Hajná is transferring from Sales department after almost 10 years to become our new Financial Director.

Mrs. Mgr. Markéta Křenková is taking over the responsibilities as our new Sales Director.

This year is truly unprecedented and full of challenges arising from political and economic instability, alongside with the unpredictable energy market, which affects all the aspects of our business activities and our life. The new management of České lupkové závody, a.s. is determined to cultivate and continue the long-term and successful collaboration with all our partners and customers. At the same time, we are striving to improve the production efficiency in order to support the growth of our company.  We are ready to face to all challenges ahead of us.

Complete management contacts are listed on our company web site in the section „Management“.

I look forward to our cooperation.

On behalf of České lupkové závody, a.s.,


Ing. Jan Domiter

Executive Director